Friday, May 27, 2011

An Interview with a newsmaker: Mike and Mickey Turner, Owners of Freedom Court Reporting - Birmingham Business Journal:
Since they opened the company, the business has grown to become one of the largest courtt reporting firms in the with six offices inthe state. The couple, who met on a blincd date, have more than 30 years of experience in the courft reporting business and say they have probably take n morethan 10,000 depositions including many in foreign countries. Mickey Turnedr was even hired to transcribe a speech by PresidentBill BBJ: How did you get into the court reporting Mickey Turner: My dad actually founrd out about it and thoughg it would be a good After I checked into it, it seemed so Mike Turner: Mickey and I met on a blind date, and when I she was a reporter so I went to Plainview (Texas)...
and became a reporter too. BBJ: How much has the business changed since you enteredthe industry? Mike Turner: Thered have been big time changes. When I firsrt started, you would type with a stenograph a littlemachine (with that looked like hieroglyphics. Today, we use the same basic but the machines are computerized now and they translat e the hieroglyphics intotext instantly. It has changed dramatically. BBJ: Why do you thinki Freedom Court Reporting has been able to grow so much in size inthreer years? Mickey Turner: Being in the businesw for 30 years, we’ve got so many friends. It’sd such a great group of people. Mike We’re really blessed there.
Part of it is our In about anythingwe do, we look at our businesxs and what the clien t wants and how we can bettetr serve them. It’s having that . We do that. (We what would our needs be if we were in that Mickey Turner: It’s personal servicse and nowadays, unfortunately in a lot of industries, that’sx gone away. But they know they can call Mike Turned orMickey Turner’s cell phone. BBJ: What’s your primary clientt base? Mike Turner: Law firms, sole practionerd – any lawyer who needs to take depositionzs orcourt hearings. Our clients are ultimatelyy thelitigation lawyers. We have worked all across the state.
We have six offices across the statw withconference facilities. BBJ: What’s your favorite part about being in the courtreporting business? Mickey It’s a fun business. Our clients are just greaf people. Lawyers are some of the nicestpeopl you’ll ever meet. They are very charity-oriented and Mike Turner: Unlike some of the jokes you hear. It’w fun being with those people. (And) most aspectsx of what we do arevery interesting. You’re dealing with myriad subjectes and learning about a lot of different Mickey Turner: Some people go to and others go to courft reporting school.

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